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Meet your coffee team

Jonathan and Lisa Lambert are owners of

Absolute Bearing Coffee. Jonathan served 20 years in the United States Navy as a nuclear mechanic submarines and Lisa is math teacher with over 20 years experience in Groton education. All of the roasted coffee types are built from the combined 45 years of professional service. 


The name Absolute Bearing is a nautical term referencing an objects' relation to north. Either true bearing, using the geographical north, or north magnetic bearing. Submarine deployments demand a true north for days without sunlight or great coffee. This was the birth of Absolute Bearing a Specialty coffee company rising from the need for exceptional ORGANIC coffee. Driven by curiosity, empowerment, and a never ending quest for the most delicious coffee in the world.


I started roasting coffee on a popcorn popper setup in 2008. I had attended a technical factory school where the instructor roasted his own coffee. It was a great start but the coffee was so smooth and flavorful, it did not last long in the house. We moved onto a Hot top small electric drum roaster. This roasted 10 ounces at a time but was too slow for back to back roasting. 


Where did it start

RK drum .jpg


We moved to a 6 pound RK Drum converted barbecue grill. This was great for learning and honing more of the basics of coffee roasting and the first time I set fire to an entire 6 pound drum of coffee. We started sampling different bags, coffees, and all the equipment required for selling on a larger scale. 


2020 was when Absolute Bearing purchased the game changing AMBEX YM-5, a 5 kg drum roaster with roasting software to gain the required consistency. We really learned so much as we increased our quality of roasts and learned through our cupping how to change the subtle notes of the coffee. 


Coffee is always a good idea
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